Applicant FAQ's
Q: I have forgotten my password, how do I reset my password?
On the applicant login screen click on the 'Forgotten your password?' link. If you are trying to login through SmartyFile, you can reset your password here.
Enter the email address username you registered with and click on the reset button
An email will be sent to the registered email address. Follow the instructions and click on the link provided. This will take you to a page where you can enter your new password.
Enter your new password and confirm the new password and click on the Reset Password button. You can now login in using your new password.
Q: Change my account details or password
You can change the name, organisation and password for your account by going to My Submissions and clicking on Update My Details.
To change the email address associated with your account please email the SmartyGrants Support Team. In order for your email address to be updated, we need to receive the request from the originally registered username (i.e. email address). If you are unable to access the originally registered email account, please contact the Grantmaker directly as they are able to edit the user of an application. For more detailed instructions refer to the following help Update your account details or password.
Q: I tried to use the reset password and....
Option 1 - I did not get the email
Step 1: If you did not get the email check your spam and junk mail – although it could also be that your organisation spam filter is blocking the email.
Step 2: Please CHECK THAT YOU ENTERED YOUR EMAIL CORRECTLY. Typos are quite common for applicants either when filling out the forgotten password or when registering their email address as the username.
Step 3: Make sure you are using a registered email address. It is quite common for applicants to try and access the system using an unregistered email address - if you have already applied, the funder will be able to check this for you or you can contact the SmartyGrants Support Team.
Option 2: I reset my password but I was asked to update my details
If you are being asked to update your details it is because you have clicked on the 'update details' link. From here you can update your name, organisation and password - if you do not wish to do either of these simply click the 'My Submissions' link to exit the area.
Q: How often should I save my application form? Is there a timeout limit?
It is highly recommended that you click Save Progress every 10 to 15 minutes when you are filling out a form. The form will also automatically save when you move from one page to the next. When you are logged in, there is a limit to the time of your ‘session’ length. For example, if you leave your computer idle for a length of time without saving your work, and then return, the session length may have ended (or been timed-out). Logout timer: 20 Minutes What activities will reset the logout timer after you are logged in?
What happens if the timer expires (reaches 0)? You will be shown a login option again. If you successfully enter your login details you will be returned to the page you were viewing. Please note: If you were filling out a form, we attempt to retain any changes you have made, so you can continue working on the form after you log back in. To avoid losing your work we recommend that you press save regularly. |
Q: Can I delete a submission?
You have the ability to delete submissions with an ‘In progress’ status that you may have started in error. This can be done when logged in to the funder's applicant site or through SmartyFile ( Once logged in via either site, click on My Submissions, and click on the hamburger icon on the relevant submission. Important! |
Q: Can I change the owner or the application over to another person?
If you want access to update who the owner/user is of submissions you will need a SmartyFile organisation profile. If you are an individual and not part of an organisation, you can contact the funder directly to request the change. If you do not already have an organisation profile, you can create one and add team members by heading to Once you have added team members to your organisation profile (or your organisation’s administrator has), you may have access to change the owner of a submission. Navigate to My Submissions and click on the hamburger icon on the relevant submission, you will see a ‘Change owner’ option. This will then give you a list of team members of your organisation whom you can assign the submission to. For further information and help on functions available visit |
Q: Can I share my application with someone else?
If you want access to share submissions, you will need a SmartyFile organisation profile.
If you do not already have an organisation profile, you can create one and add team members by heading to . Once you have added team members to your organisation profile (or your organisation’s administrator has), you may have access to share the submission with team members who have been given the appropriate permission within your SmartyFile organisation. Navigate to My Submissions and click on the hamburger icon on the relevant submission, you will see a ‘Share’ option. This will then give you a list of team members of your organisation that you can share the submission with.

For further information and help on functions available visit
Q: What file types can I upload into my application or acquittal forms?
SmartyGrants supports the following file types for uploading (please note, that each funder may specifically restrict which file types they accept and should be made clear by the funder where they are requesting you to upload a file):
File Type | File Extension |
Audio: | aac, adp, aif, aifc, aiff, au, dts, dtshd, ecelp4800, ecelp7470, ecelp9600, eol, flac, kar, lvp, m2a, m3a, m3u, m4a, mid, midi, mp2, mp2a, mp3, mp4a, mpga, oga, ogg, pya, ra, ram, rmi, rmp, snd, spx, wav, wax, wma |
Excel: | xls, xlm, xla, xlc, xlt, xlw, xlam, xlsb, xlsm, xltm, xlsx, xltx |
Image: | bmp, btif, cgm, cmx, cr2, djv, djvu, dwg, dxf, fbs, fh, fh4, fh5, fh7, fhc, fpx, fst, g3, gif, ico, ief, jpe, jpeg, jpg, mdi, mmr, npx, pbm, pct, pcx, pgm, pic, png, pnm, ppm, psd, ras, rgb, rlc, tif, tiff, wbmp, xbm, xif, xpm, xwd |
Message: | msg |
PDF: | |
Powerpoint: | pot, potm, potx, ppam, pps, ppsm, ppsx, ppt, pptm, pptx, sldm, sldx |
Text: | conf, csv, def, in, list, log, rtf, rtx, text, txt |
Video: | 3g2, 3gp, asf, asx, avi, f4v, fli, flv, fvt, h261, h263, h264, jpgm, jpgv, jpm, m1v, m2v, m4u, m4v, mj2, mjp2, mng, mov, movie, mp4, mp4v, mpe, mpeg, mpg, mpg4, mxu, ogv, pyv, qt, viv, wm, wmv, wmx, wvx |
Word: | doc, dot, docm, dotm, docx, dotx |
Zip: | azf, azs, boz, bz, bz2, docx, epub, gz, key, numbers, ods, odt, oxps, pages, sqz, tar, zip |
Q: Unable to submit?
Applicants and Staff can reference Help Guide for Applicants. This walks applicants through submitting. The most common reasons an applicant won't be able to submit their applications include:
- not filled in a mandatory/required field, this can include file upload question and budget grid.
- have used alpha characters or commas in a number question field.
has gone over the word limit on a question.
All of these errors are highlighted in red on the review page which sits at the very end of the application.
Sometimes the applicant has filled in the whole form but has not gone to the Review and Submit page so does not see the Submit button. The Submit button sits on the review page.
Q: The round has closed, and I can't submit my applications for reason xxxxxx?
Unfortunately, we cannot help as the Grantmaker (Funder) are the only ones that can grant an extension of time for you. The funders contact details are generally found on the first page of your application or on their website. If the grantmaker does not provide contact details you can do a google search for the funding organisation and use the organisation general contacts.
Q: When I Iog in I do not see my application.
You will find any submissions on the grantmakers (Funder) applicant site under the 'My Submissions' link at the top of the screen. If your submission is not there, it is most likely that the application you are trying to view was either created under a different username (email address) or you may be looking under an incorrect funder applicant site. Is there possibly an alternate email address you may also have registered? Do you know the correct application ID?
You can also log in to and click on the 'My Submissions' link at the top of the screen. This will list all submissions you have access to across ALL funders.
If you still have any issues, you can contact the SmartyGrants support team on (03) 9320 6888 and quote the Application ID.
Q: Why is the date I am trying to enter not being accepted?
The date must be in the format of dd/mm/yyyy, you either use the date picker to choose a date or manually type it in, but it must be in the format dd/mm/yyyy. The funder may have also put a restriction on the earliest and/or latest date that you maybe be able to select.Q: How does Browser Spellcheck work?
All browsers will display spelling mistakes of the last word you typed in upon pushing the space bar or hitting enter; however, different browsers behave differently when you paste words into a text box.
Chrome – Checks the spelling of all words you have pasted.
Firefox – Only checks the last or second last word of what is pasted.
Safari – Does not check the spelling of what is pasted; however pushing Command+; will cause it to recheck the spelling of the contents of the text box.
It might also be worth referencing relevant 'help' articles for each browser.
Chrome: (Note that Chrome settings are different in a Mac versus Windows and Linux).
Q: What browsers are supported?
For a full list of supported browsers see Supported browsers & handling timeoutsQ: How do I download or preview a copy of the form required to apply?
On the available round page (click on Current Rounds and then the round you wish to apply for), you may see the option to download a preview of the application form (this is a copy of the form you will need to complete to apply). In some instances, the form will be available to preview before the round opens, whilst for others, it may not be available until the round opens.
Q: How do I download a copy (PDF) of my application?
Once you have started an application, click onto the Review and Submit page, which is the final page of the application form.
From the Review and Submit page, you will see a button to download a PDF of your form.
When you submit an application you will receive a confirmation of submission email with a PDF copy of the submission attached (this does not include files you uploaded but it will reference them).
Q: I was logged out and when I tried to submit my application form, SmartyGrants said the round is now closed but there is still time until the deadline has expired.
Funders are able to set up a funding target when creating Rounds in SmartyGrants. When that funding target has been reached, the round can be automatically closed. It is most likely this is what you have experienced. We recommend contacting the funder to confirm that this is the case.
Q: Can I setup multi-factor authentication (MFA)?
If you are part of a SmartyFile organisation, an organisation administrator has the ability to enable MFA for all users who are part of that organisation. See SmartyFile help for more information.